A deck of cards per player (See page 2, Gameplay Requirements)
Point chips (-1,-2,-5,+1,+2,+5)
Playing field
Card Types
Entity cards: Cards based on life forms.
(AE) Active cards: Entity cards with each an Attack, Defense and Speed statistic. Used to defeat other entity cards, and to ultimately win the game.
Senior cards: An active card that can be placed with no pre- condition of specific card existences currently in play.
Junior cards: An active card that can only be placed if another pre- described active card is currently in play.
(SE) Support cards: Entity cards that serve to affect active card/s.
Figure cards: A support card based on a human figure. No card classification.
(DO) Dominion cards: Cards that are placed to affect statistics and/or quantity of entity cards on field.
(EV) Event cards: Cards that are placed to affect or remove cards currently on field.
(EF) Effect cards: Cards that are placed to affect or remove cards, and/or affect a player’s gameplay abilities.
Card Classification
A series of classification sets comprised of unique three-letter codes that appear on all entity cards, excluding figure SE cards. No less than 1 and no more than 9 classification sets will appear on any entity card.
Total classification: The entire series of classification sets on a card.
Classification set order (1-9): Oriented from left to right, with the first classification set on the left identified as “set 1”, and the second as “set 2”, and so on.
Overlapping classification sets: When two or more entity cards share at least one set of the same classification sets.
Gameplay Definitions
Deck: the column of randomized face-down cards located in the Deck zone.
OB (Oblivion) zone: the allocated zone per player to place all removed cards from play.
Coin: a metallic coin with two sides, a heads and a tails, to determine gameplay.
AE card: Active Entity card
SE card: Support Entity card
EF card: Effect card
EV card: Event card
DO card: Dominion card
Entity card: the inclusive term for both Active cards and Support cards, noted by “AE” or “SE” on the card.
Neighboring columns: the column/s to the direct left and/or right of a column.
Affinity: a distinguishable grouping for entity cards, based on a terrain. Entity cards belong to all affinity groups mentioned on their card affinity tab.
Playing Field Format
8 x 8 total card field, excluding Deck zone and OB zone. 4 x 8 card field per player.
Row 4: 8 Active Entity card zones
Row 3: 8 Active Entity card zones
Row 2: 8 Support Entity card zones
(Deck zone located on the right outer side per player’s field.)
(OB zone located on the left outer side per player’s field.)
Tyrant’s bonus: A bonus of 1 point is awarded to all statistics of your AE cards, given when all of the entity card zones on your field are filled by your cards. Effect is removed when one card zone from your field becomes unoccupied, or when filled by an opponent’s card.
Phylogenetic bonus (PH bonus): A bonus awarded when at least three different AE cards in the same row on neighboring columns from your field share the same classification set 5. A PH bonus can only be used in one instance, and any further applicable cards for the bonus would not be considered. Reward 1 point to all statistics of the applicable cards. Effect is removed when only one of the rewarded AE cards remains on your field. Cards that are awarded a PH bonus cannot also enjoy an ST bonus or a Pack bonus. Multiple PH bonus can exist simultaneously.
Sister-Taxa bonus (ST bonus): A bonus awarded when at least two different AE cards in the same row on neighboring columns from your field share the same total classification. An ST bonus can be rewarded continuously as long as new applicable cards can be considered. Once per card, reward 2 points to all statistics of an applicable card. Effect is removed when no AE cards on your field continue to share the same total classification. Cards that are awarded an ST bonus cannot also enjoy a PH bonus or a Pack bonus. Multiple ST bonus can exist simultaneously.
Pack bonus: A bonus awarded when three or more of the same AE cards under your control are located in the same row on neighboring columns on the field. Reward 3 points to all statistics of the considered cards. Effect is removed when the number of the rewarded AE cards becomes two or less. Cards that are awarded a Pack bonus cannot also enjoy a ST bonus or a PH bonus. Multiple Pack bonus can exist simultaneously.
Gameplay Requirements and Objectives
Your goal is to dominate the field with your entity cards and remove all of your opponent’s entity cards on the field from play. When this condition is met, you win the game, and your opponent loses. This condition only takes effect after both you and your opponent end your first turns.
Gameplay is structured for two players only.
Both you and your opponent must each have a card deck consisting between a minimum of 45 cards and a maximum of 200 cards.
Gameplay begins with one of the two players starting first by mutual agreement or by coin toss.
At the beginning of each game, both card decks must be face down.
Both card decks must be shuffled and randomized before beginning the game.
You must draw a card from your card deck at the start of your turn.
If you run out of cards to play from your deck, you lose the game, and your opponent wins by default.
You can have up to 8 cards in your hand by the end of your turn. If by the end of your turn you have more than 8 cards in your hand, you must discard however many cards of your choosing from your hand to bring the total card count in your hand back to 8.
There cannot be more than 4 of the same entity cards in a deck, regardless of rarity.
There cannot be more than 2 of the same DO cards in a deck, regardless of rarity.
There cannot be more than 2 of the same EV cards in a deck, regardless of rarity.
Card Interaction Functions and Conditions
Place relevant point chips on an AE card to record changes in the card’s statistics. Colors of point chips are non-assigned. It is recommended for you and your opponent to coordinate and agree on which colors represent ATK, DFS and SPD at the start of your game.
An AE card is allowed to attack only one entity card in the same column on the field per turn, unless specially instructed otherwise by card.
An AE card can attack an SE card in the same column.
An AE card cannot attack an effect, event or dominion card.
An AE card is not required to attack every turn, but only when desired.
When an AE card attacks another AE card, the ATK statistic of the attacking card is ranked against the DFS statistic of the receiving card.
If the ATK statistic is higher than the DFS statistic, the receiving card is removed from play.
If the DFS statistic is higher than the ATK statistic, the attack is voided. Both cards remain in play.
If the ATK statistic and the DFS statistic are the same, the attack is voided. Both cards remain in play.
Your AE cards’ attack order depends on the ranking order of their SPD statistics from highest to lowest, with your highest SPD card as the first allowed to attack, to your lowest SPD card as the last allowed to attack. If SPD statistics are the same for any number of cards, the player can choose the order of attack for such cards.
If an AE card attacks an SE card, the SE card is removed from play, unless specific instructions or circumstances by card dictate otherwise.
If any statistic of an AE card is depleted below zero, the card is instantly removed from play.
All AE cards are considered Senior cards by default unless “Junior of” is specified on the card.
You need to have the required Senior card in order to play a Junior card. But if the Senior card is removed from play before the Junior card, the Junior card can continue play until it is removed from the field.
Only a player’s own AE cards can be used as sacrifices for their own AE cards.
Only a player’s own SE cards can be used as sacrifices for their own SE cards.
If an AE card is played using sacrifices, it can be placed in any applicable empty card zone in the rows designated for AE cards.
If an SE card is played using sacrifices, it can be placed in any empty card zone in the row designated for your SE cards.
An AE card is allowed to attack only one entity card in the same column on the field per turn, unless specially instructed otherwise by card.
An AE card is not required to attack every turn, but only when desired.
An EF, EV or DO card can be played either during your turn or during your opponent’s turn. When played during your opponent’s turn, it must be during their attack phase, before or after any attack towards your cards.
Your opponent must allow you to call an EF, EV, DO play during their turn.
You are only allowed to attack your opponent’s cards during your own turn.
During their first turn only, players are not allowed to sacrifice any cards, or play any cards that have a sacrificial requirement.
The player going first is not allowed to attack their opponent during their first turn.
Fields and Card Zones
“The field” refers to both your and your opponent’s fields of 8x8 total card playing field.
“Your field” refers to your 4x8 card field only.
“Your opponent’s field” refers to your opponent’s 4x8 card field only.
Only one card is allowed to occupy one card zone on the field.
Only an AE card can be played into an AE card zone.
Only an SE card can be played into an SE card zone.
Only an EF card can be played into an EF card zone.
Only an EV card can be played into an EV card zone.
Only a DO card can be played into a DO card zone.
An AE card can attack an SE card in the same column.
Once played onto the field, an entity card cannot change card zone locations unless specially instructed otherwise by card.
When your cards are removed from play, they are sent immediately to your OB zone.
Cards in your OB zone cannot be brought back into the game unless specially instructed otherwise by card.
Cards banned from reappearing in the game are the only exception where once they enter the OB zone, they stay in the OB zone until the game is over.
DO cards can only remain on the field if you have at least one entity card that is
currently in play.
You are allowed to have more than 1 AE card in a column, including on both your field and your opponent’s field.
You can only play an AE card in Row 4 of a column on your field starting from your second turn if you have cards in Row 2 and Row 3 of the same column on your field.
If there is an empty card zone in Row 4 of a column on your opponent’s field while you have occupied all entity card zones in the same column on your own field, you can play an AE card into your opponent’s empty card zone.
If there is an empty card zone in Row 3 of a column on your opponent’s field, while in the same column you have cards in Row 4 on your opponent’s field and all entity card zones on your own field, you can play an AE card into the opponent’s empty card zone.
Etiquette Rules
If any player is caught cheating, the player loses the game automatically.
If any player intentionally damages the gameplay field or cards physically in the game, the player loses automatically.
If a player does not recognize and verbally identify a support coming into play that benefits their cards, the said support is not applied to their gameplay. There will be no catch-up application granted in professional gameplay.
A player is allowed to pause the game and request to review the information of a card no longer in the hand of their opponent at any time, but the card must be returned to the exact state of play before it was requested to be reviewed.
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